Made-vel-e is a social enterprise. We are located in Dilijan in the region of Tavush, where the youth migrate to Yerevan for a brighter future and the non-tech-savvy older generation are left behind, waiting for guidance and an opportunity to grow. In rural Armenia jobs are scarce and inhabitants’ abilities are limited.
Our goal is to create inclusive and self-sufficient communities. This is achieved by implementing the 1 Region = 1 Product program, establishing one unique product for each region. The program focuses on capacity building and empowerment of unemployed adults with the aim to start/restart their vocations and careers, by teaching artisanal skills. Artisanal skills have to be preserved in the digital age. In Dilijan the product is handcrafted jewelry, using recycled materials as well as existing raw materials from the region.
Our beneficiaries who create unique products sold domestically and internationally also progress to become masterclass teachers as well as change-makers in the region.