YFW 2024 Guests

International Guests

In 2024, Yerevan Fashion Week marks a major milestone for the Armenian fashion industry by showcasing the Armenian fashion industry to the international scene. The renowned international guests, our storytellers, bring their unique perspectives, creativity, and passion to showcase the Armenian fashion industry to the world. We are immensely grateful for their presence and dedication to spreading this vital message globally.

The international press is 

Elie Inoue http://@elieinoue , https://www.elle.com/

Giorgia Cantarini http://@giorgiacantarini , http://L'Officiel Italia 

Viktoria Abduly http://@viktoria.abduly , https://blinx.com/

Ahmad Ammar http://@ahmadaavva , https://www.instagram.com/aavvafashion/

Fashion expert, Stylist & Influencer Marina Barykina http://@aqua_marinab

Face hunter, streetstyle photographer and influencer Yvan Rodic http://@facehunter

 Miles Holder http://@miles_holder , editor in Chief at https://fault-magazine.com/

Fashion Journalist and Social Media Expert Matthew Neale http://@mattalexneale

Stella Romoli http://@stellaromoli , Fashion Editor at https://www.amica.it/

Influencer and digital creator Roberto De Rosa http://@robertoderosa

Giulio Solfrizzi http://@giuliosolfrizzi , fashion journalist at https://www.vogue.it/

Fashion expert, writer, editor and PR specialist Elena Bugulova http://@helenmikhay